In the darkest of the night, a ‘Instameet bat-signal’ appeared on our timelines, and we responded to the call with gusto and caffeine. Sunday, 22nd March 2015, we went for our first early morning (very early morning) instameet. Shutterbugs within Nairobi met up from 5:30am (not kidding) on Kenyatta Avenue to capture the city’s stills as the first light of day hit.
Thank God for coffee!!!
This event was part of the 11th World Wide Instameet (Instagram Meet Up), locally organised by @igersnairobi and @igkenya.
What is an Instameet?
An instameet is a gathering of active members on Instagram within a certain location, with the intention of getting to know their fellow followers/following better. This, of course, leads to taking pictures together and of each other to showcase comrodary and mutual appreciation of the location they hail from.
Most instameets have a theme behind them to drive the direction of the photos. For example, Sunday’s theme was #NairobiAtDawn — pictures of Nairobi’s sunrise in the city centre.
For more pics from this instameet, check out the hashtag #wwim11_Nairobi on Instagram, Twitter or Tumblr
Watch our video highlights of the Instameet
Feel free to Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos.
Check out our photos from the Instameet
We only used an iPhone and an iPod for these.
One more thing …
We appreciate your continued (or new) support in reading our blog, watching our vids and interacting with us on social media. Show us some more love by voting for us at the Kenya Blog Awards 2015. We’ve been nominated for Best Entertainment/Lifestyle Blog.
Tell your friends to vote too … and your mum, your grandma, your Standard Four Science and Agriculture Teacher, your Priest during confession, your local Bartender, your Boss, your Boss’ boss and any other random stranger you awkwardly meet in a slow elevator.
Bless your faces.
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